Keeping up with the Morphis’

Don’t you just love how original my post title is, haha. For those that are confused, I copied it from ‘keeping up with the kardashians.’ hehe.

I hope everyone is doing great, this year has been going great so far. I started College and am really enjoying my classes, I am only taking 7 credits, but I find for now those 7 are enough for me 🙂 I am taking photography and Career Guidance. I am learning allot and I am so happy that I decided to go back to college, I feel as though I am creeping out of the shell I’ve kept myself in for the past few years which is great.

James is doing great, he is enjoying his job lots and has been a wonderful supportive hubby through all the changes I have made. We are living in Claremont, and absolutely loving it. I can walk everywhere and feel safe, there are lots of restaurants, cafe’s, boutiques and loads of other cool stores literally outside our doorstep, I couldn’t think of a better place to live out here… The city has food regulations so there aren’t any foods with GMO’s or hormones and everything is organic which for me is perfect, because of that rule there are no fast food restaurants in this little area, which suits me just great. James and I are definitley allot more healthy because of this magical rule.

My family is coming out in just 3 weeks and I am so excited, we have vegas planned, magic mountain,  disneyland and our Pentatonix concert, woohoo. I said this year would be the best, and so far it’s turning out to be just that. I would really like to plan a vacation somewhere, maybe fiji for later in the year, but we also might be going to Thailand, either one will be just as amazing, will be a great opportunity to take some great pictures, especially now that I can actually use my camera properly. I’ll be a pro in no time 🙂

Hope you are all having a wonderful day, heres a few pics of my pups 🙂bella cocooutside dofcnb cocostairs

I forgot about myself today: And it changed everything.

wow, Great Blog, I’ve never really understood what it meant to ‘lose yourself’ and this was a pretty great clarification. I also love how this writer says she does not care for the term, ‘someone always has it worse’ . Just a GREAT read, Thanks for posting 🙂

all our lemmony things

I opened my eyes today before the sun even came up.

It was before I would realize that the sky would be gray today. That it would rain so much that the sewers in the road would overflow and get my pant legs wet. It was before I knew I’d be cut off in traffic and be a pinky nail away in distance to the guy’s freaking bumper.


But when I woke up I decided. Today, I’d forget about me.

It might not seem like such a big deal, but oh it was. Today marks the one-month of my Dad being gone and I’ve seen it coming all week. But before I went to bed I spent time going through e-mails from people all over the globe who were reaching out for a friend–advice–someone to understand. And I knew, as soon as I threw myself into helping people or simply…

View original post 728 more words

Happy New Year, Watch This Documentary

Happy New Year to everyone 🙂

I hope you all had a wonderful time with all your loved ones. James and I spent our new years eve chatting and playing poker with my sister, her fiancé and my lovely pal Ben. It was definitely a calm one this year, but nevertheless it was wonderful.

I have been working on my New Years Resolutions and have come up with a few good ones, This year will be the year that I stick to them the whole year. I promise 😉  My resolution for 2013 was to get pregnant, and I did. But being that the rest of the situation was out of my control, I’m going to focus on the things I can control.

For those of you that know me, I am a big animal lover. I love the company of my doggies, more than people sometimes.  They are such innocent and lovable creatures, not an ounce of unkind or maliciousness in them at all. To me they are pure love.  I don’t just love my dogs, I love all kinds of animals.  This past year I bought a season pass to seaworld, every time I stood in front of the underwater tanks and watched the dolphin swim past over and over again, I felt so bad them. What a life, swimming around in a tank thats 0.000001% of the space their real home is. Then you go to the Orca tank. Depressing isn’t even the right word, you see these incredibly massive animals stuck in these tiny tanks, all for the sake of what? In my opinion, Money. Greed.

I recently stumbled upon a documentary called ‘Blackfish’ that addresses the attacks on trainers that had been kept from the public, Tilikum, the Orca responsible for the death of a sea world trainer of 17 years at Seaworld Florida along with 2 other deaths, Orca facts and information that shows they are social animals, very intelligent, and capable of feeling emotions, similar to us. It is a truly powerful documentary. After I watched it, I wanted to write a letter to sea world asking for my money back, and asking them to please put these amazing creatures back into the wild, where they belong. Oh and to stop being so greedy, they make so much money, and yet only a small percentage of what they make goes towards the animals housing, care etc… I’m not posting this to rant about my dislike for sea world, but only to raise awareness about something I care about. If you haven’t seen it already you can watch it online for free here Even if you aren’t a lover of animals, it’s still a really interesting documentary. is an interesting website I came across, there are some posts on there I’m sure seaworld would not want the general public to see, if you like the documentary you might want to check out the website.  Just to warn you the website does hate seaworld. I don’t hate them. I’m just in disagreement with some of their protocols.

I’m excited to get back to California, and get a wicked sun tan 🙂 I need to bronze my body, get that vitamin D. Then plan my year to be the busiest one yet. Hard work, and more hard work. It’s going to be great.

Let me know if you watch Blackfish, what you think

All my Love


A year in Quotes

I can’t believe it’s New Years Eve already, this year has flown by so fast. This year has been the most difficult and hardest year of my life, and I am very happy to be saying goodbye to 2013. I have made the decision that 2014 will be the BEST year. I’ve learned so much about learning to take control of how to feel and and taking control of my own life. One of the biggest lessons I have learnt is that I have the ultimate control, and everything I do is a choice. There are some things that happen that I can’t control and it’s how I handle those things that help define who I am. I still have so much to learn, and I know that these lessons won’t ever cease. I just hope that they get easier.

I hope everyone is spending New Years Eve with the people they love most and that you will all go into the new year with new dreams and goals. I know I am.

I have been scanning my Pinterest boards and digging up some quotes that are relevant to my life this year, things I’ve learned, am still learning and just general quotes that the majority can relate too.

I hope everyone has a great New Years Eve, I’m sorry to anyone I have offended on my posts, I have definitely learned my lesson on keeping some privacy on my whirlwind of emotions through this year. But just know I love you all…

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Better and Brighter

Hello All

I hope you are all well, and excited for the Holidays 🙂 I’ve been in England with my family for a couple of weeks now and James just joined me today, yay. So excited to be spending Christmas with my family this year, thankfully the weather hasn’t been too cold, although I like it when it’s cold, I think it feels more like Christmas. I have been spending most of my time with Lucy and Zac and am so in love with my little nephew, I could just kiss his chubby little cheeks forever.

Before I came home, I decided to try out ‘extra work’, James used to do it before we met and he said I would like it. For those that don’t know what extra work is, it’s when you stand in the background on movie and TV sets and play pretend. Turns out I really loved it 😀 I worked on ‘parks and rec’ which is one of mine and James’ favorite tv shows, I got to see all the cast members, watch them act and it was so awesome just being on the set, I will definitely be doing more of that in the new year.
I have also registered for classes at a local community college, I am wait listed for most so hopefully I will get a spot, but I definitely have one so yay 🙂

I had been really busy for a couple weeks prior to coming home and I was very surprised at how much better I felt, I felt like my old self again, the happy, no worries, no stress self. This year hasn’t been my favorite and at times I had felt a little like I was headed down a one way path, and now I am beginning to realize that everything is a choice and we (maybe without realizing) choose to feel certain things, or maybe we are so bitter we don’t want to see it any other way in fear that we might not have a brighter outcome of things, so it’s easier to stay where it’s ‘safe’. I’ve learnt that by dwelling on the things that have hit me hard does no good. But by living in the present and thinking of today i can be whoever I choose. I wish I had a little quote to post, if I find one I will 🙂

I just wanted to say hi to everyone and share my amazing revelation lol. I am so grateful for today and everything that I do have, I’ll be posting again soon 🙂

All my love


Hi everyone

I just wanted to write a quick post to clarify a few things incase I offended or gave anybody the wrong impression from my last post.

I write these posts as if it were my diary. They are personal feelings and some are just for fun.

My last post ‘miscarriage for dummies’ was written because I felt sometimes we don’t know the do’s and dont’s In a bad situation. It was me expressing personal feelings that I had felt during the first few months after. Things people had said to me, or how they had acted that I felt needed addressing so that if anybody else goes through or knows someone that goes through this at least they could kind of know some ways to be a good supportive friend.

I did not once say or imply that people shouldn’t be happy if they are pregnant. Be happy, it’s a wonderful thing. Just be sensitive towards someone if they have suffered a loss/miscarriage. Try to remember they are going through a hard time and new pregnancy announcements are a little bit like rubbing salt in a open wound.

But that doesn’t mean don’t be happy. I don’t want anyone to feel bad about happy news. Again my blog is personal feelings that I felt as I was going through a tough situation. It is about me, my feelings, my thoughts.

All my love 🙂

Miscarriage For Dummies

Hi all,

Before I begin writing this post, I want to make it perfectly clear that I am not mad at anyone specifically, neither is this a personal attack on anybody. This is just something that has been on my mind lately and I have wanted to address it for a while.

Since my last post about the miscarriage, I was feeling OK, but since being around people I have noticed a change in the way that people act around me. When I went home, around some people I felt like nobody knew what to say, and so they didn’t talk to me as they would normally, which is understandable. But it made me feel alienated and pretty crappy. I also felt people were failing to acknowledge something quite distressing had happened. So I wanted to write this post so people can feel more comfortable about the situation and just get a better idea of how to be a good friend.

The do’s and don’ts:

Don’t send pictures of your positive pregnancy tests and expect a happy reaction. I just lost something that I’ve worked hard 2.5 years for. If you want to share your good news with me, a text or an email saying hey I just wanted to let you know I’m pregnant, hope your’e doing ok… something along those lines would be much better, rather then throwing in my face your happy news. Just be considerate. Am I bitter about it? Clearly I am, not because you are pregnant, but because I am not anymore. Call me selfish, but I think I’m entitled to feel sad about it.

Do ask me how I am: It’s so comforting to know that people care, and it makes me feel I have people who are looking out for me

Dont brush off what has happened with comments like, ‘Oh it’s just not the right time’….. somewhere in the world a druggie is pregnant, I don’t think timing has anything to do with it and it really bothers me when people say that. Another one is ‘At least you weren’t that far along’ This one is more understandable, but I was 10 weeks when I had my DnC, by that time there should have been a baby… and after you see a heartbeat, I don’t think it matters how far along you were.

Do Listen

Don’t use the word negative, there were times I was really down and sad, and when people would say I was being negative, it made me want to punch them in the mouth and knock there teeth out. It’s ok to be down in the dumps, sometimes you can’t help it, it’s unfortunate, but guess what being miserable comes with infertility and a miscarriage, its such an emotional tornado and it makes you feel like a failure. It’s usually only temporary, but by calling someone negative when they are in a bad place is like pushing them deeper into the pit. Rather then point out the bad, try to encourage by being nice, and suggesting something positive.

Dont tell me how to feel. or what to do. Just be a friend and listen and be there.

DO talk to me like a normal person.

I was shocked at the lack of understanding from some people, it made me feel even worse then I already did. But thank fully I have some GREAT friends who are there for me all the time when I need them and I am able to talk to them without feeling worse about myself.

I went on allot of online Miscarriage forums for comfort and I was surprised that the same thing was happening to them, people saying insensitive and unwanted things. This is one of those things that happens to SO many women and people just don’t know how to deal with it because it’s not something people talk about. I would probably be the same way had I of not gone through what I’ve gone through.

Bottom line is, be a friend, listen, acknowledge and encourage.




A few little thoughts

Hi everyone,

It’s been a long summer, sorry I have not blogged sooner. I’m writing this from my phone so hopefully there won’t be too many errors, I apologize in advance.

James and I have moved AGAIN, but this time it will be a more permanent situation. We are in Claremont, ca and I absolutely love the area here. We live in a beautiful townhome with everything we need in walking distance. Reminds me so much of home, which is why I love it so much.

For most of the summer I was in England, I threw Lucy a baby shower and got to be there when she gave birth and what an awesome experience that was, but that’s for it’s own post if Lucy’s ok with me doing that 🙂

I have been struggling a little bit after the whole miscarriage, so many people are pregnant it’s really hard to get get away from it. I deleted Facebook off my phone so I don’t get depressed every time I see pregnancy announcements, or people posting how happy they are with their hundreds of children, and how great motherhood is, and I’m trying to focus on anything other than that. I have been getting frustrated with people’s lack of sensitivity towards the situation and I will be posting about that, but that’s a whole different and deeper post for another time.

I have applied for college for January 2014 to take some photography classes, scary but glad to be progressing in something that I enjoy. I want to do something I love and be GREAT at it 🙂
James has said he will sing with me…. So hopefully he actually will. If not ill just keep singing by myself.

James and I just had lindy (James’ sister) randy and the kids visit this past weekend, we went to magic mountain and it was awesome. They have a new ride called ‘full throttle’ and was AWESOME… You must go and you must ride it 🙂

Other than my sister having the most wonderful little baby in the world, and our move to Claremont, not much else is happening over here. But I will post about the birth, if Lucy’s ok with that, and my miscarriage for dummies.

Hope everyone is doing great, I will blog soon 🙂

An Unfortunate Event

Hey Everyone,

I apologize for the lack of action going on here. This past couple of months have been…. well…unexpected and I’ve just not really had much to blog about as I didn’t feel that I should be writing in the state of mind I was in.

Many of you know Mine and James’ struggles with trying to get pregnant, it has been almost 3 years and infertility is one of the most painful (emotionally) and hardest struggles I have ever gone through in my life. I can not speak for James, but I know it has not been a walk in the park for him either.

During the month of March we had been continuing with Acupuncture treatments and getting my body ‘prepared’ to hopefully be able to conceive naturally, without any IVF or fertility treatments. The acupuncturist said it can take up to 3 months to really kick in, so I just relaxed, enjoyed life, I was feeling very optimistic that this would do what it needed to do. On March 22nd I started spotting, my previous fertility doctor had told me this was a symptom of the cause of my infertility, lack of ovulating a healthy egg. But I was OK, I felt like we had just begun acupuncture and my body was still working itself out. The next day the spotting was much lighter, almost gone. I had a bunch of cheap internet pregnancy tests in the drawer, so I thought what the heck, lets just test anyway. So I tested and it was Stark white, not even a hint of a line, as usual I was in denial and carried the test into my room with me and put it down beside me hoping something would start to appear. I know it’s an absolutely ridiculous thing to do. After about 10minutes I looked down and I could have sworn there was a line, I stared at the test, holding it in different angles of light and then the thought dawned on me that I might actually be going mad, so what do i do…I take another test ofcourse, seems like the only logical thing a crazy person would do. Again there was a negative test staring back at my face, BUT after about 4 minutes the faintest of faint lines appeared. It was still so faint, (I was a week away from my period so this was really early) I still didn’t really think it was real, so what do i do…. I go and spend money on the tests that are supposedly more accurate… I rush home, pee on the stick… and there it was, my first ever POSITIVE pregnancy test. It was 100% positive, Then I FREAKED out, I thought I was going to  pass out, I had to walk around the house, if I was standing still I thought I might fall over, James was sitting on the sofa, just telling me to calm down and that it probably wasn’t real (didn’t want to get his hopes up) I continued to walk around fanning my face like a complete over dramatic drama queen, then had to call my friend. James wasn’t being very helpful at this point. I did have him call my fertility doctor and they told me to use progesterone to stop the spotting, I had some left over from previous fertiity cycles thanks heavens. The time was about 10pm in the evening so I couldn’t rush off to the doctors, it was also saturday which meant I had to wait an entire day to get seen.

Sunday came, I had a little bit more spotting and I was very worried, I had taken about 3 more tests that had all got darker which was a good thing. Then Monday came and I called the first doctor that I found and he was able to see me in the next hour. As we were driving to the appointment I was in complete denial, I kept thinking I must have some sort of disease that mimics pregnancy.. thats the only answer right! As we waited I was trembling I was so nervous, we went right in for an ultrasound, I got probed with the big ultrasound stick, always a pleasure…. (sarcasm).. and we looked inside my uterus, my legs started shaking, we were staring at the screen, I was waiting to hear that i had some sort of horrible problem, then he said ‘well you are definitely pregnant’ James got all emotional and I was just in shock I think. Also we couldn’t see anything as it was so early, so he had us come back a week later. This time we got to see the gestational sac, no baby or yolk sac, but it was progress. The doctor kept telling us not to get too excited yet, and every week was a horribly long period of time. At the next ultrasound we saw the yolk sac, I should have been 5-6 weeks, so this was about normal. Then at every weekly ultrasound we would see progression, but ever so slight progression, I of course did all my research and I knew something wasn’t right, It was hard to talk to people about it because they would tell me I was being negative or that I was finally pregnant so just enjoy it. Then I began to think I was just being paranoid. Also my doctor was never very optimistic, he would always say to just wait and see what happens. When we saw a Heartbeat, most of my worries fell away, I was still a little numb as the doctor didn’t say if it was a good heartbeat or not, but I could tell from his tone that he thought my pregnancy was doomed.

So I found a new doctor, I saw him when I was 8weeks4days, in the initial exam he felt my pelvis and said I felt like I was 8 weeks along, I ofcourse knew that my insides would probably disagree with him, we moved into the ultrasound room…

As James and I sat there, I was just hoping for a miracle or that the previous doctor was just being less optimistic due to the fact I was so early in my pregnancy, I felt confident everything was ok and then in came the doctor, very sweet and much more compassionate then the last guy, then it began….As we looked at the screen, there was a little trouble trying to find the little embryo, at 8 weeks it shouldn’t have been that hard. When we finally found it, we looked at the heart beat, and also the size and it was still so small, I felt numb at this point, no emotion, I knew what was coming. The doctor proceeded to tell us that the heartbeat was very slow and it was measuring 6weeks instead of close to 9. As I sat up and asked lots of questions, I think it just hit me like a ton of bricks and I just felt overwhelmed with sadness, James couldn’t keep the brave face, then I had all these emotions and feelings just race through me. The feeling that you haven’t made your husband happy, even though it was not my fault, I couldn’t help but feel like my body wasn’t strong enough to carry a baby, his baby. I jumped off the table immediately hugged him and tried to comfort him, from what I had read online from all the research I had done I knew this was most likely a failed attempt. We left the doctors office feeling hopeless and had scheduled an appointment to come back in a week.

As we walked into the doctors office, The nurses weren’t as cheery as they had been before, on my appointment it had said I was scheduled for a miscarriage, well, I was still pregnant at this point and holding out for a miracle This whole past week we had been grieving and praying and just holding on the to the little hope we had left. I was so sad that I was so close, and now I was going to lose this little entity. In the ultrasound room we stared at the screen, hopeless yet having that tiny bit of hope that it would be ok, Then we found it, there was no heartbeat now and it had developed into a cyst. The yolk sac was enlarged which is a bad sign. Having prepared for this all week, I felt allot more calm then before. I also began to feel grateful that I had even got pregnant in the first place, that’s already an achievement. My doctor told me 1 in 4 pregnancies will miscarry due to unknown reasons allot of the time, he gave me two options, to miscarry naturally or to have a d&c in 2 days time. I chose to have the d&c, I had read horror stories of women miscarrying naturally and I was too afraid that it would traumatize me. The d&c went well, and I didn’t have any pain afterwards except a little cramping here and there. We also had the tissue analyzed to see what may of caused this to happen, but won’t know for a couple more weeks.

I am still continuing with the acupuncture and I am trying to figure out what to do with myself. I have been considering education, a job, part time work, but I still am unsure of what to do. As painful as this experience was, I did get pregnant, I also feel allot more content then before, I believe that we lived in heaven (or wherever you want to call it) before we came to this earth, and that my child is just waiting for a better body. It comforts me knowing that, and I have to remind myself I didn’t really lose anything, because I never had it in the first place.

I hope this will hopefully be a comfort to read rather then a horror story,

I will continue to try and keep you updated sooner, sorry it took me so long.


Love to all xoxoxox

Just a lil update on us :-)

Hi all
I am posting this from my phone so I apologize for any errors in advance. Unfortunately I don’t have any magical topics to blog about instead ill just give you an update on what’s happening in the land of Stacey and James.
James has been working really really hard and I know he had the number one spot in his office recently, hooray. I am very proud. This lead to him being offered a promotion in Fresno, ca. We were so grateful they had thought of James to co manage the office up there, but we had to turn it down after lots of prayer and writing down lists of pros and cons. Work wise it would be a great opportunity, but Fresno is not the place for us right now. But we are so thankful that James is doing so well. He loves his job, we love San Diego, life is good.
Now I am trying to figure out what to do with myself. I have thought of different jobs etc…. But every morning I find myself really unmotivated to do anything, I get really homesick and wish I could pop over the road and see Lucy or my mum and dad, and sometimes the thought of not being able to do that makes me really sad. Yes, I have proposed to James that we move back home 🙂 and maybe one day when James is super successful and we are loaded that can be a possibility 😉 but right now we are just normal people, without our millions. Bummer. 😉
The weather in San Diego just got nice again after a week of grey overcast skies. But the sun was shining today and it was lovely.
Sorry I don’t have anything that’s too interesting.
Will write again soon 🙂
Please excuse any errors in this too…..
Love to all xoxox